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Arica has the first and largest solar photovoltaic power plant in the country

It is a power generation system consisting of 152 solar panels that provide 60% of the energy required by the airport, with an investment of 180 million pesos to be held with funding from the European Union-Chile.

The first and largest solar photovoltaic power plant in Chile was commissioned in the adjacent park to Chacalluta Airport, making Arica and Parinacota the first region in the country that generates and produces clean energy, being this subject the priority plan of the Regional Government and the mayor, Jose Duran, who pretends to turn Arica in the capital of the sun.

Yesterday, the Presidency general deputy secretary, Claudio Alvarado, visited the facilities together with some regional authorities, led by Mayor Durana, and stated that along with generating energy, this system has the advantage that it does not cause environmental problems and invites the public policymaking, which permits an intensive use.

On his behalf, the head of the Regional Government stated that it is a milestone that will allow the region to become the capital of the sun and renewable energies. He argued that it is the largest plant in Chile and the first self-sustaining public service in the region and the country, with a peak of 30 kWh, between 11 am and 4 pm.

"Arica and Parinacota has huge potential for the development of solar energy, but there are also applications for wind projects. We believe the development of solar energies is very promising in this area, therefore, we are promoting this type of development in fiscal territory and there are already several applications in the Seremi de Bienes Nacionales (Real State Seremi) in that regard", emphasized Durana.

For Senator Jaime Orpis "it is the beginning of a great development, because our country has advantages in solar energy, and the cost for production has been going down all around the world".

Fernando Román, Chief Engineer in charge of the facility and Solventus Chile representative, a subsidiary of Spanish Solventus SPA, said that our region had a great idea in agreeing to the installation of the first photovoltaic power plant in Chile.

"With these machines, Chilean experts won´t be required to travel to Europe any more to know about this technology, since a bet as future industrialization project opens for entrepreneurs and industrial entrepreneurs of Arica and the country to become suppliers of parts of this model plant now belonging to people of Arica", said the Spanish professional.


The plant is fully automated. It finds the first sunbeams, tracks the sun until dusk and then retracts its panels horizontally and disconnects itself. It has hydraulic devices that protect the structure changing position and adapting in case of earthquakes and windstorms. The panels are made in Germany, structures were manufactured in Chile and the implementation in Spain. Works for the installation of cabins and concrete bases were executed by Arica contractors.

"Records are optimal", said the engineer Román, "they were certified by airport engineers who checked and confirmed the first charge at 10 am on Wednesday. Immediately, all flow control began to be monitored from Spain where the implementation is refined. The workmen finished their work and the plant is producing optimally. I congratulate the team from Arica for having such a fantastic idea."


Officials from Planning Division and Regional Development, DIPLAN, Arica and SUBDERE, led by regional Chief Luis Cortés, also checked the final results of the project implemented by the University of Tarapacá, being impressed to see that the plant is generating clean energy without any inconvenience and within expected parameters.

"The construction of this plant will be used to be shown in future renewable energy projects. We are very pleased with this project generated with resources from the Fund for Innovation and Competitiveness FIC, that the Regional Government and the DIPLAN, Arica Division, supported since its inception, and specially, we grant a technical support for the University of Tarapacá, through our engineer Roberto Ahumada, who worked closely with Chilean and Spanish experts in charge", said Luis Cortés.

He added that "this is a special and personal merit of the mayor, who as an Arica man familiar with the region, supported this project since its inception and maintains an innovative stance on the potentiality Arica has on natural resources. We are deeply satisfied and happy that Arica has a prominent position and has a new option as a center of industrial development of resources for the use of renewable energies."

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